Ghostbusters Proton Thrower Replica

The Proton Gun is near and dear to my heart. It is one of the first replicas I ever made, or at the time attempted to make. I say attempted as the first go at it was a foamboard pack and thrower I made when I was 16 years old, and calling it janky would be an understatement. But that build got me into prop making and sculpting, and over the years I honed my craft. The first thrower kit I produced was back in 2008; today we are onto a fourth iteration that aims to be easy to assemble without sacrificing accuracy. The build pictured here uses my older V3h kit, complete with lights, decals, real metal knobs, genuine Clippard Valves and hose barbs, as well as an extending acrylic barrel.

Resin, Aluminum, Genuine Parts


Retro Roku


Future Fossils: Space Invaders